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Step into Positive Self Belief

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  • Do you struggle with positive self-belief?

  • Are you living your life by someone else's script?

  • Do you want to make actionable changes according to your values?

  • Do you want to live life 'lighter' and free from limiting core beliefs?

This course is for you!

Only $30
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If you are unsure, purchase the first module and discover the value in this course.

Module One
Only $10.00
(You will have the opportunity to purchase the remaining Modules later)


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  • learn about your early SENSORY PERCEPTIONS

       of life & how your core beliefs are created 

  • CHOOSE your VALUES so they align with

       you & REWRITE your negative core beliefs

  • learn about your EMOTIONAL SELF & why you continue to be triggered.

  • learn how to listen to your INTUITION &

       make wise choices for yourself

  • open up to RECEIVING & the abundance that

       comes with that

  • Each module comes with a MEDITATION to reinforce your learning. 

  • PLUS I'VE INCLUDED a bonus module and meditation to keep your personal power 





Top level coaching! For only $30

Click below to sign up and course access will start immediately

This course set me up to make some hugely positive changes in my life   TB

After years of poor self esteem I could finally understand what my core belief was and changed it to make my life so much different. Honestly my life has changed dramatically. I am the happiest I've ever been. SD

I loved working at my own pace, in my home. I felt I could give so much time to each of the activities within the modules. I've used the tools over and over again G M

Want to know more? Sign up to my newsletter here:

Or contact me:


For only NZ $30 you get a module emailed to you weekly  to do at your pace in your own home.

I believe we are all powerful human beings, that we all have the right to ‘show up’ and be heard. And that if you are well supported and have the courage to change whatever it is that no longer serves you then your life can take on a whole new meaning with you as the captain of your own ship.

How do I know this?

Because after having the privilege of being alongside many, many coaching clients I know the value of STEPPING INTO POSITIVE SELF BELIEF and how with the new self-awareness that comes and the new choices that can be made, that becomes the  gateway to a new way of BE-ing. I have a ‘real life’ case study, Gina, that allows you to see what can be achieved once you work through each module.

Once you work through the course at your own pace you will get to:

Start a creation process that will fulfill you and have you showing up in the world with authenticity and clarity. Right from the start with the first meditation you will set yourself up with the knowledge that you can ‘weave a new coat’ that truly aligns with your values.

Module 1: Dive into your senses decide what age old beliefs no longer serve you.

Module 2: Untangle your emotional SELF and become super clear about what you are putting out into the world. Rewrite your negative Self-Beliefs. 

Module 3: Learn how to connect and trust with your amazing Intuition.   

Module 4: Learning to Receive. Open up to an energy from where all sorts of magic starts.

Plus bonus content!

Given that I coach at a $70(NZ) p/h rate and that there are at least 10 hours of potentially life changing worksheets/activities in this course you could easily pay $700 elsewhere but I want you to see the value for an amazing price of NZ $30. Why? Courses that are affordable and deliver what they say they are going to deliver resonate with me and I want to offer you something special.

I want you to have this amazing opportunity to step in greater SELF-BELIEF.


Open the door and step into self belief today!

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© 2019 Turning Stone Life Coaching. 

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